Yi Camera App For Mac

Download the latest apps to use with your YI Action Camera or your YI Home Camera. Preview, store, and share instantly. Reliable Wi-Fi connectivity to access your camera with YI Home App. View up to 4 live camera feeds through one screen with YI Home App for PC/Mac. Get one month free trial when you subscribe to YI Cloud, the best anti-theft and cost effective cloud solution. Those methods will guide you to connect a wireless or PoE IP camera to PC (on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista), and to a Mac (on Mac OS X 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, etc.).

  1. Yi Camera App For Mac
  2. Yi Camera App Download

Today, I’m just going to show all of you a short video of the Yi PC app. A lot of you has asked me if the Yi cameras can be accessed in the computer and the answer is yes.

If you have a PC and not a mac, you can download their viewer program through their site. You can go to, click home to go to their home cameras and on the upper right menu, click on the Yi home PC appsometimes it will get covered by the orange banner so you can x it out. Then you will get to the download page. If you are a PC user and you are in north america or europe, you will be able to download and use this program to view your cameras. Please note that setup and change of settings can only be done on their smartphone app.

Yi Camera App For Mac

So basically their PC program is mostly for viewing the cameras live or viewing recorded videos. I already have downloaded the program and I just need to open it up. Put my email and the password that I used on my account in my smartphone and log in.

You will then see the cameras that you have on your account on the left column. Just double click them to view the live feed. You can also add a group up to 4 cameras in a group to simultaneously view in a grid.


Click on the plus sign on the live view grid. Pick the cameras that you want in a group, don’t forget to name the group and click ok. Now, the name will show up on the left column and when you double click it, it will show your cameras live feed simultaneously.

Speech recognition app for mac. This is a good option if you want a constant live feed in a monitor. Just double click the camera to view it full screen and click again to get back to the grid view.

Yi Camera App Download

Xiaomi yi camera app for pc

Only thing that I noticed that the feed is not on HD as compared to viewing each camera. Like this one.

The feed from the group and as compared to if you pick the main camera, then this one is on HD. You can also only see the live view and not the recordings in the group view. This one in group pared to the main camera feed itself.

Anyways, not a biggie. Now on the main camera feed you can listen but I don’t see any mic option so I guess you can only hear but not speak. As to the recordings, to access them, click on the SD card icon on top and it will take you to the recording timeline where you can use the slider to look and view recorded videos just like in the phone app. You can also click on here where a calendar will pop up and you can choose which day you want to browse recorded videos from your SD card. As you can see, I set up my camera to only record whenever it senses motion and all these orange bars means that there are recorded videos at these times. – North America and European users only at this time.

Yi Home Cameras Review: Checkout and Purchase Post navigation. Moleskine notes app for mac mac.

Hi, I have a Yi camera. I cloned this Github project and tried the python script CC.pyw on my MacBook Pro, and when the UI comes up, it shows IP address, JSON port, etc. But after clicking the Connect C&C button, a window pops up that says 'Cannot connect to the address specified'. Is the problem of my Yi camera or the Python script itself? I also tried to enable telnet and shell console access to the camera (following instructions on ) without any success. I wonder if the problem is related. Basically, I want to find a way to set its timezone to be something that's different from the Beijing Time.

Thanks for any suggestion! To make it clear: the camera does NOT connect to your home WIFI. When you turn on the camera, it creates its own WIFI network. As soon as the blue light on the side starts blinking, this network is available for your phone to connect to. When you start the app, your phone will disconnect from your home network and connect to the network provided by the camera. So what is trying to say is you need to make sure your computer is connected to the WIFI network created by the camera, not your home network. By default, this network name starts with YDXJ, but maybe you have changed this in the settings, thinking you had to provide your home network details?